Lan Xue, Professor, joined the Statistics department in 2005 as an Assistant Professor. She received the Promising Scholar Award from OSU in 2015 in recognizing her outstanding scholar activities. Along with her teaching and departmental leadership, Lan has provided many years of service to the University and the profession. Lan's passion for statistics came from teaching and working with students. She also enjoys the discovery of new ways to analyze and learn from data, and working collaboratively with subject-matter scientists.
Faculty Excellence: Promotion and Tenure 2018
Faculty Excellence: Promotion and Tenure 2018

Please join us in congratulations to our recently promoted outstanding faculty members, Lan Xue, Julianne Moore, and Katie Jager.

Juliann Moore, Senior Instructor I, earned her MS Degree in Statistics at OSU and has been a valued instructor since 2012. In 2017, Juliann received the Loyd F. Carter award for Oustanding and Inspirational Undergraduate teaching in Science. To quote from the award ceremony, "this award is a testament to her excellent work as an educator and her ability to have a positive impact on her students."

Katie Jager, Senior Instructor I, joined the Statistics department in 2013 and is a key faculty member teaching our undergraduate courses both online and on-campus. One student commented, "her creative and exciting lessons allow students to successfully understand statistical tools, their use and how to represent outcomes accurately and ethically." Katie's passion for statistics comes from a love for patterns and a desire to apply mathematics to real world situations.