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Survey Research Center

Group photo of SRC staff

Established in 1973, the Oregon State University Survey Research Center (OSU-SRC) provides comprehensive survey services, from proposal development, questionnaire design and layout, survey administration and data collection, to analysis and professional report writing. Our staff offers customized options, working with our clients to determine the best approach based on the study objectives, population of interest, and budgetary concerns.

Our staff has over 30 years of experience in survey methodology

The SRC staff regularly participates in survey conferences in order to stay current on the most effective survey methodologies. Since the SRC is part of the OSU Statistics Department, we have the ability to offer our clients statistical expertise in the most efficient sampling designs, analyses, and interpretation of survey results. The Director of the SRC is a Professor in the Statistics Department. The SRC routinely conducts self-administered survey experiments using both mail and the internet with an aim to contribute our research findings to improve survey methodology. The SRC offers expertise in research-based survey design and offers an online survey methods course {ST 439/539}.

Our services

The Center provides full consultation services for all aspects of mail or internet survey operation, including sample design and selection; questionnaire development; data collection, editing, coding, entry and analysis; and reports. Our staff are skilled in minimizing non-response and measurement errors.

Customized options

The SRC examines various approaches to collect survey data based on current industry research, specific project objectives, and budgetary constraints. Data are collected by either mail, web, or a combination of these two data collection modes. Based on the characteristics of the population, a data collection mode is recommended to maximize response rates, reduce non-response bias, and decrease costs. Preferences with regard to the focus of analyses and final report options are also accommodated.

Survey consultation

Assistance for faculty

The Survey Research Center offers consulting for Oregon State community members in research-based survey design.

Assistance for students

Graduate students may request assistance through the Statistics Consulting Service.

Note: Faculty and clients seeking assistance on non-survey research should contact Yanming Di directly at

Contact us

Weniger Hall, Room 239
Corvallis, OR 97331
Stat Dept Phone: 541-737-3366

SRC Phone: (541) 737-1993
Fax: (541) 737-3489

Campus Map (look for WNGR, right next to Monroe Avenue)