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Adding a Concurrent Statistics Degree

Adding a Concurrent Statistics Degree

Students enrolled in another graduate program at OSU may apply for a concurrent degree in statistics. A detailed description of our M.S. program is available in the Department of Statistics Graduate Student Handbook. Please review this description to be sure you will be able to fulfill all requirements.

Apply for a concurrent degree

  • File a change of degree/major/certificate form with the Graduate School. Choose "Masters of Science" as new degree/certificate and "Statistics" as new major in the section labeled "Work on Concurrent Degree/Certificate." The graduate school will then send the Statistics Department your OSU transcript and the materials comprising your original application to graduate study at OSU, which should include GRE scores and transcripts of prior academic work.
  • Arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the Department of Statistics office. These letters should address your potential for success in our program. It would be best if they came from professors within our department. An informal email letter is fine, provided the recommender is an OSU professor.
  • Write a new statement of objectives describing your goals with respect to our program. Send this statement to [email protected] as well.
  • Expect a decision within four weeks after the office receives all materials.

You may apply for a concurrent degree in any term. However, the two core M.S. sequences ST 551-552-553 and ST 561-562-563 begin fall term. Unless you are enrolled in at least one of these sequences, it does not make sense to begin the program in any other term.

Concurrent students who wish to be considered for funding the following fall term must submit all application materials by January 15.