Tate Jacobson
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
Tate Jacobson
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
Research interests
- High-dimensional estimation and inference
- Nonparametric and semi-parametric methods
- Model selection
- Censored data
Ph.D. Statistics, University of Minnesota, 2023
B.A. Mathematics, Whitman College, 2016
- Jacobson, T. and Zou, H. (accepted), “Linear Hypothesis Testing for High Dimensional Tobit Models,” Statistica Sinica.
- Jacobson, T. and Zou, H. (2023), “High-Dimensional Censored Regression via the Penalized Tobit Likelihood,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.
- Anderson, L. and Jacobson, T. (2023), “Providing the choice of in-person or video-conference attendance in a Clinical Physiology course may harm learning outcomes for the entire cohort,” Advances in Physiology Education.
- Jacobson, T. & Zou, H. (2021), “Do Predictor Envelopes Really Reduce Dimension?” Journal of Data Science, 4, 528-541.