Lan Xue
Interim Department Head
Department of Statistics
Lan Xue
Interim Department Head
Department of Statistics
Research Interests
- Nonparametric Curve Estimation
- Polynomial Spline Soothing
- Model Selection
- Medical Imaging
- Network data analysis
- Functional data with measurement errors
- Longitudinal/cluster data analysis
Ph.D. Statistics, Michigan State University, 2005
B.S. Statistics, University of Science & Technology of China, 2000
- Zhang, C., Xue, L., Chen, Y., Lian, H. and Qu, A. (2025) Local signal detection on irregular domains with generalized varying-coefficient models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, To appear. (Link)
- Zhu, T., Xue, L., Tekwe, C., Diaz, K., Benden, M., and Zoh, R. (2025) Clustering functional data with measurement errors: a simulation-based approach, Statistics in Medicine, To appear.
- Zoh, R., Luan, Y., Allison, D., Xue, L. and Tekwe, C. (2025) Bayesian semi-parametric scalar-on-function regression (SoFR) with measurement error using instrumental variables. Statistics in Medicine, To appear.
- Zheng, J., Wang, J., Xue, L. and Qu, A. (2025) Semiparametric estimation of non-ignorable missingness with refreshment sample. Statistica Sinica, 35, 131-150.
- Zhu, T. , Gamble, L., Klapman, M., Xue, L. and Lesser, V. (2023) Using Auxiliary Information in Probability Survey Data to Improve Pseudo-Weighting in Non-Probability Samples: A Copula Model Approach. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, smad032.
- Chen, Y., Xue, L., Jung, J., Kim, M. (2023). Administrative Cost of US Counties and Local Context Dependence. Review of Regional Studies, 53, 59–79. (Best Paper Award, Review of Regional Studies)
- Zhang, M., Xue, L., Tekwe, C., Bai, Y. and Qu, A. (2023) Partially functional linear quantile regression with measurement errors. Statistica Sinica, 33, 2257-2280.
- Fang, Y., Xue, L., Martins-Filho C. and Yang, L. (2022) Robust Estimation of Additive Boundaries With Quantile Regression and Shape Constraints. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 40, 615-628.
- Xue, L., Shu, X. and Qu, A. (2020) Dynamic model selection of time-varying network. Statistica Sinica, 30, 251-284.
- James, A., Xue, L. and Lesser, V. (2019) Information criterion for nonparametric model-assisted survey estimators, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 7, 398-421. (SRMS travel award paper)
- Zheng, X., Xue, L. and Qu, A. (2018) Time-varying correlation structure estimation and local-feature detection for spatio-temporal data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 168, 221-239.
- Yang, M., Xue, L., and Yang, L. (2016), "Variable selection for additive model via cumulative ratios of empirical strengths total," Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 3, 595-616.
- Wang, L., Xue, L., Qu, A. and Liang, H. (2014), "Estimation and model selection in generalized additive partial linear models for correlated data with diverging number of covariates," Annals of Statistics, 42, 592-624. (Link)
- Xue, L. and Qu, A. (2012). Variable selection in high-dimensional varying-coefficient models with global optimality. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13, 1973-1998.
- Xue, L., Qu, A., and Zhou, J. (2010), "Consistent model selection for marginal generalized additive model for correlated data," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105, 1518-1530. (Link)
- Xue, L., Wang, L., and Qu, A. (2010), "Incorporating correlation for multivariate failure time data when cluster size is large," Biometrics, 66, 393-404.
- Xue, L. (2009), "Consistent variable selection in additive models," Statistica Sinica, 19, 1281-1296. (Link)
- Yang, L., Park, B. U., Xue, L. and H¨ardle, W. (2006) Estimation and testing for varying coefficients in additive models with marginal integration. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101, 1212-1227. (Link)
- Xue, L., Yang, L. (2006) Additive coefficient modeling via polynomial spline. Sta- tistica Sinica, 16, 1423-1446. (Link)
- Best Paper Award, Review of Regional Studies, 2024
- Promising Scholar Award, Oregon State University, 2015
- Elected member, International Statistical Institute, 2007